4 Haziran 2010 Cuma 17:17
Etiketler: inna , inna dinle , inna i need you for christmas , inna izle , inna lyrics , inna video
Anywhere in the air is the magic of holiday now
Let it snow, all around, later we can make a snowman
Is the Christmas time you all
It`s time to stay together
I say Merry Christmas you all and happy new year!
You and me together every time for Christmas,
I don`t need no presents
cause I need you for Christmas.
You and me together every time for Christmas,
I don`t need no presents
cause I need you for Christmas.
Christmas! X’mas ….
Santa Claus is coming back
With the presents for everybody
Close your eyes don`t look back
After that we`re making party
Is the Christmas time you all
It`s the time to stay together
I say Merry Christmas you all and happy new year
You and me together every time for Christmas,
I don`t need no presents
cause I need you for Christmas
You and me together every time for Christmas,
I don`t need no presents
cause I need you for Christmas.
Christmas! X’mas …
Christmas! X’mas …
Yeaaah Christmas
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